
Showing posts from May, 2021


 We have reached the end of our unit on climate change. It is now time to wrap up everything that we've learned this week. For your assignment, you are to imagine that you are a city planner developing a new city in the distant future. I would like a one page paper on what you plan to do to mitigate and control climate change. For example: How do you power your city? What do you do with waste? How is food developed in your city? How does your transportation structure effect the climate? And most importantly, how does the culmination of all of these thing effect your climate? I would like for everyone to submit a 1-2 page paper to me. Remember to use credible sources and cite them.  As always, I am available if you have questions or need additional help.   


Today in class we discussed how you, as an individual, can help to combat climate change. I would like for each of you to leave me a 2-3 ideas on ways that you would like to mitigate climate change in your day to day lives. Maybe you want to plant more trees or carpool to school?  Don't forget to defend your ideas and tell me HOW your ideas will help foster positive change to our climate. 


For some people, climate change is a joke or not real. We discussed in class some of the reasons why people do not take climate change seriously.  Today, I would like each of you to leave me a comment listing two reasons why protecting the Earth's climate is important to you and defend your reasons. I would also like for you to pick one reason why some people think climate change is a joke. Explain to me why you think that person is misunderstood and give me your idea on how you can help someone understand the severity of it.  As always, I am here if you need help. 


 Now that we've had a basic overview of climate, I'd like to start taking a deeper dive.  For today's assignment, I would like for everyone to comment below and tell me in one paragraph, one way in which climate change has directly affected you and your family. For example, we live close to the coast and were directly impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Did your neighborhood get flooded? How did your family cope during the storm? Use any example that you can think of.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am always available to you!


 Good morning class!  This week in class we will be discussing climate change. I am sure that you all have many conceptions about the topic of climate change and hopefully you all have questions for me as well. Climate change is a very hot topic right now and at the end of this unit, you will have a better understanding of the way our climate is shaping our world.  For today's assignment, I'd like everyone to watch THIS VIDEO . After you've watched the video, I'd like for each of you to log in to your google classroom account and leave a 2-3 sentence comment about any misconception that you've had that the video cleared up for you. If you did not have misconceptions about climate change, what fact in the video solidified your understanding?